Top 8 Dog Breeds with the Strongest Bite Force – Strongest bite

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Top 8 Dog Breeds with the Strongest Bite Force

Dog enthusiasts and potential pet owners often seek information about dog breeds and their various characteristics. One significant aspect that draws attention is the strength of a dog’s bite. This article delves into the top 8 dog breeds renowned for their formidable bite force, providing insights into their unique abilities and traits.

Understanding Strongest Bite Force in Dogs

Bite force is typically measured in pounds per square inch (PSI). A higher PSI indicates a much stronger bite. The bite force of a dog is influenced by several factors such as jaw strength, size of the skull, and shape of the jaws. The breeds listed below are among the most powerful biters in the canine world.

The Top 8 Breeds With Strongest Bite

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a large and muscular Italian breed known for its protective nature. With a bite force of around 700 PSI, the Cane Corso is often utilized in security roles due to its strength.

  • Origin: Italy
  • Traits: Protective, Loyal, Intelligent
  • Bite Force: 700 PSI


The Kangal, a Turkish breed, boasts an impressive bite force of 743 PSI. This dog is commonly used for livestock guarding, thanks to its strength and loyalty.

  • Origin: Turkey
  • Traits: Protective, Independent, Calm
  • Strongest Bite Force: 743 PSI

Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino has a bite force of around 500 PSI. This breed is known for its hunting prowess, being adept at tracking and subduing game like wild boar.

  • Origin: Argentina
  • Traits: Courageous, Loyal, Athletic
  • Strongest Bite Force: 500 PSI


With a bite force of about 328 PSI, the Rottweiler is not only intimidating but also highly affectionate and loyal to its family.

  • Origin: Germany
  • Traits: Confident, Fearless, Protective
  • Strongest Bite Force: 328 PSI

American Bulldog

The American Bulldog carries a bite force of approximately 305 PSI. This breed is known for its agility and confident demeanor.

  • Origin: United States
  • Traits: Loyal, Assertive, Energetic
  • Strongest Bite Force: 305 PSI

Presa Canario

The Presa Canario from the Canary Islands has a strong bite force of around 540 PSI. Known for its courage and alertness, it makes an excellent guard dog.

  • Origin: Canary Islands
  • Traits: Strong, Protective, Confident
  • Strongest Bite Force: 540 PSI

Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Malinois packs a powerful bite force of 195 PSI. This breed is commonly used in military and police work due to its extreme trainability and agile physique.

  • Origin: Belgium
  • Traits: Intelligent, Alert, Hard-working
  • Strongest Bite Force: 195 PSI


The Wolfdog, a hybrid breed, has a remarkable bite force of approximately 406 PSI. Its unique characteristics come from the genetics it shares with its wild ancestors.

  • Origin: Various hybrid setups
  • Traits: Independent, Strong-willed, Loyal
  • Strongest Bite Force: 406 PSI

Factors Affecting Bite Force

The bite force of a dog can depend on various factors which include:

  • Genetics: Breeds with a history of hunting, guarding, or fighting tend to have stronger bites.
  • Training: Proper training can impact how a dog uses its bite; a trained dog is more controlled.
  • Health: The overall health and physical condition of a dog can affect its bite strength.


While bite force is an interesting metric, it is important not to judge a breed solely based on this characteristic. Every dog has a unique temperament and behavioral traits that make it special. If you are considering one of these breeds, ensure you understand their needs and abilities for mutual respect and happiness. Knowing your dog’s strengths can help you provide proper training and a suitable environment, fostering a healthy relationship.

Whether for protection, companionship, or working roles, these formidable dogs exhibit a balance of power and loyalty that continually fascinates dog lovers and experts alike.

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Naresh Gupta

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